Friday, January 11, 2008

Poker After Dark

OK, OK, OK....I know, Poker After Dark has been on for a couple seasons now, and I am just getting around to checking it out. Shoot me. 2 a.m. is late for me, with my getting up early for the kids to help get them off to school. OK, in reality, I only take one to the bus, Mrs. Chipstack does everything else. Anyway, watching the latest episode, which was part of the "19th hole" theme--the starting 6 players are all in love with playing golf--had a wonderful moment between Doyle Brunson and Phil Ivey. It was a brain teaser that Dolly posed to Ivey, and it went like this.

Doyle Brunson: Pick a number between 1 and 5.
Phil Ivey: OK
DB: Multiply it by 9
DB: Now add the two numbers you come up with together.
PI (after Doyle explains if you pick for example, the number 2, the answer of 2x9=18, so you add 1 + 8 together): OK
DB: Now subtract 5.
DB: Letters correspond to numbers, so A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. Find your letter and think of a country that begins with that letter.
DB: Now with the last letter of the country think of an animal that begins with that letter.
DB: Now with the last letter of the animal, think of a fruit that begins with that letter.
DB: Could you be thinking about a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange?
(Laughter from around the table, as Ivey is stunned by Brunson's revelation)

Brunson later said to Ivey, "and you think you are gonna bluff me later? I can read your mind, kid."

I wondered if that was the stick response to the riddle, so I tried it out on Mrs. Chipstack as she got ready for work this morning, and it turns out, there's another answer. Another rather logical answer. Can you think of what it is?

Now, I think it's a pretty safe bet that people have seen this somewhere on the internet (this puzzle), but seeing the 73 year old Brunson chatting with one of the great players in the game about this, and then getting Ivey's complete look of disbelief....well, it was priceless.

I think going forward, I'm gonna have to record this on my DVR and watch it when I am awake. Frankly, I'm surprised I remembered the details of this as well as I did.

Make it a great Friday!


Anonymous said...

Djibouti, ibek, kiwi is what I got.

-AcesFull said...

Not what I envisioned, but then again, looking it up online always beats me.