Sunday, January 13, 2008

I have officially retired

It is with heavy heart, but excited eyes, that I announce my retirement from the game I love so much.


I am at the point now, that I can look back and say I did all I could with the tools I was given, and now, my body is telling me it's time to move on.

So much for the solemn press conference-like announcement. Basically, my old hockey knee injury came back again, and that was the sign that it was time to hang 'em up. Here's the re-creation.

I was skating with some of the Charlotte Checkers after practice on Friday. It was the first time in I-don't-know-how-long I had suited up, and was skating around a hockey rink. Everything was going fine, although I had more than my fair share of rust to knock off my old bones. Couple trips up and back, some side-to-sides (all at about 40% speed as I was just getting reacquainted with the ice). Over to the boards to stretch some (have to loosen the hamstrings and quads). Back out to shoot some pucks.


I stop at center ice, and look around. Bobcats Arena is a beautiful facility, but even more amazing when on the ice there. Awesome. OK, enough sight-seeing. Get back to work.

I take a couple of trips to the net with pucks. Shoot high, shoot low, hit the post, hit the crossbar. All is well, and I am starting to feel more comfortable. Dig the pucks out of the net, and start it all over. I line the pucks up at the blue line to take some slap shots. Bang! Bang! Bang! One by one, they sail into the twine (no, there is no goalie there). The last shot, I take,m my knee buckles, and I hear that all too familiar "pop."

It was the same sound and sensation I had 6 years ago, when I was playing in a league in another city. Identical. I crumble to the ice, and collect myself. That's it. Game. Set. Match.

My knee has been stiff and sore the past few days, but not as bad as when I hurt it the first time. Maybe that's a good thing, and I can attempt a comeback when it feels better. For now, though, I am retired.

In some non-hockey related news, took Mrs. Chipstack out for her birthday on Saturday. Surprised her with a babysitter, which green lighted us for a nice night. Dinner, drinks, conversation. So much fun. It's nice to see her let her hair down and be the gal I fell in love with all over again. She never gets that chance with our 2 boys, so anytime I can get her away from reality, it's a great time. Vegas is that time for us also, and that's a whole week. I'll take a night here and there, just to keep her sane. Happy birthday, baby.
No poker today, in honor of her birthday weekend, but I get back on the bike next weekend with the league tourney. Looking forward to it very much, and may be able to swing a 2nd tourney the following Saturday. Still working on that one, but don't sweat it, Big Kat. I'll let you know!
Good luck, good knees and good cards,

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