Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday quick hit

Have the night off from work, and no, it has nothing to do with poker. Going to be part of a panel to discuss sports in Charlotte. Media members will be in attendance and it should be a fun time.

Irish Jim sent me this shot from his camera phone. Does it not look like an old school card game? The camera phone gives it that nice dark, smoky look, like its the back room of some store. That is actually Irish Jim's basement, the ultimate in poker dens. He could shoe horn 3 tables down there and run a big tourney if he wanted to, but he is dealing with a minor health issue--it doesn't FEEL minor to him, mind you, so once he is back at 110%, I'll hound him for a 3 table tourney--heck, I'll bring the chips!

The real reason I post today, however, is because I am an American. I don't support our current President, or the idiots in our government that decided to allow the UIGEA to get attached as a rider on the Safe Ports Act of 2006 (The UIGEA is the piece of legislation that hosed online poker for the time being). I do support our men and women in uniform who have made the ultimate "all-in" move for our country. All of their chips are in the middle as they fight for our freedoms and for our country. Many have lost their final hand in the name of America, and those people should never be forgotten. And the nearly 3,000 people who died 6 years ago, simply because they worked in the World Trade Center or the Pentagon, or happened to be on United flight 93 should never be forgotten either. Something people may not realize is this--the Monday before the attacks (or the night before), the New York Giants played their season opener. Imagine all the people that worked in the towers that were late getting to work after a late night in the Meadowlands (or at their bar of choice watching the game).

I want all of our soldiers to get their chips back and come home. I want the people that forced America's hand to find themselves drawing dead--no outs in the deck to save them. One day, the world will get to the point that maniacs, like the ones sitting at this table, won't have the chance to try and draw out against what is good and right. I just hope that when we have the hammer, we have the sense enough to push with it, rather than mis-play it, and give them a chance to escape. If only the world could settle their differences over a game of no-limit hold 'em.

Keep America in your thoughts today, and always.

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