Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Has it really been 20 years?

Holy crap. 20 years ago this past June, I graduated high school. East Leyden High School in Illinois, to be more specific. A lot has changed in my life since then.

1-I became a father as a freshman in college (my daughter kicks serious ass, by the way).
2-Got started in my TV career.
3-Got engaged, broke up, back together....
4-Moved to Texas for my first TV job...
5-Moved to Raleigh for my 2nd TV job...
6-Got married...
7-Got divorced...
8-Moved to Charlotte for my 3rd TV job...
9-Got married again (for the last time, I might add)...
10-Had someone beleive in me enough to support my quest as a poker player...

And those are just the things that come to mind.

My 20 year reunion is coming up next month, and my wonderful wife told me that I should go, since I really wanted to. I hate going without her, but the money to fly 4 of us up to Chicago, basically for 1 day...I don't know. I know when we looked for the fares at the time (a couple months ago) it was cheaper. Logistically, it would have been a nightmare, considering we have both boys, I have to fly up on a Saturday (very early morning) after working late Friday night. I want her to be there with me, but it just seemed to be a lot of planning for what amounts to 36 hours away from home.

I love her so very much, and I am glad she is my life. Not in my life mind you--my life. Huge difference.

So, I fly out early morning on a Saturday, attend our homecoming game--incidentally, the first football game I will attend as a fan in that stadium....see, back in high school, I was a trumpet player in the marching band, so I went to games. I wore that uncomfortable toy soldier outfit (complete with shoe spats), so this Homecoming game will be far more enjoyable.

I am looking forward to the trip, but it will be weird being in Chicago without Tracie.

Now...a trip in the wayback machine.....


That's my senior year--one of 3-4 pictures of me from the yearbook in which I am holding a camera. I was the photographer for the school paper (as well as a sports writer), and won an award for photography that year. Notice the "golf team" sweater--we had a meet that day. I was such a dork back then...not much has changed, I suppose.

Good luck, and good cards!

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