Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Birthday Plan is ON!!!

The Birthday Poker Jam is a go! I have lined up a 2 table affair to help my wife celebrate her birthday--she would kill me if I divulged her age-so I guess I will die when she sees her cake. Some of my friends and some of her friends are on the guest list, and it should be a great time.

Some rules for everyone EXCEPT my wife:
NO iPods
NO sunglasses

Some rules for everyone:
NO splashing the pot
VERBAL declarations in play

A birthday card for my wife earns a player an extra T1000 in chips.

Oh, and she makes the final table--whether she busts out before that or not. If she is still alive, she is getting some additional chips too!

My wife can call for unlimited "red cards"-meaning she can solicit advice from anyone not involved in her hand.

It oughta be fun, since we are going to keep things VERY light.


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