Monday, June 22, 2009

The countdown is ON now!

Took 5th in the season opener for the league, and was thrilled with my play. Picked good spots to pick up pots, and good spots to get the hell out of dodge, too. For example:
1-folded 10-10 after a rainbow flop of 9-8-5. I checked the flop, one player bets, another re-pops it. They end up getting all the chips in, one has 99, the other 88. Welcome to Cooler City, Utah.
2-Mucked JJ preflop to one all in, then another all in. Original all in held A-Q off, 2nd all in had KK. AQ won with A on river.
3-Mucked 2nd nut flush draw with 1 to come. All checked 2 spade flop, board pairs 6's on the turn. I lead out, get raised, call the raise, then middle player shoves. He had the full house.
Those 3 spots helped me survive and reach the final table. It took 2 hands to bust me. One hand, I probably could have taken it down post-flop, but got cautious and didn't fire.
Spot 1-I have KJ suited in mid-late position. I limp, no raises, flop comes J-8-5, rainbow. 1st player leads out, I call. Turn is a 7, same player leads, I raise them all in, they call (and they had so much committed to the pot, he really had no choice but to call). Turn 'em up, he has pair, open-ender. River 4. Ack.
Spot 2, hand I bust on, I'm in BB, UTG player raises it up, I shove with AQ off, get called. Original raiser shows AJ off. I hit the Q to strengthen hold, but there are 2 diamonds on the flop, a third hits the turn, and a 4th on the river. Goodnight everyone!
I should have raised the turn on the KJ hand-mistake on my part. Live and learn.
Looking forward to vacation. So. Effing. Much.

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