Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Been a bit....

Haven't sat in a game in a week, but last Wednesday night was fun. I finished 2nd, but my seat couldn't have been worse for me. To my right, the man known as Klownboxer. I've written about him in the past--he mixes up his game so much, I think he gets lost. Makes him very tough to play against. To my left, Big Vito. One of the best players I know. I managed to get 2nd place, thanks to BV going on ultra-tilt (not steaming tilt, but enough of a roller coaster that had even him laughing), plus catching a few big hands at key moments. Can't say I played spectacular poker by any stretch, I just kinda waited things out.

Anyway, we still have a little time before our next big event, so that in mind, I may try to pull together a game this Sunday. If I do, we may decide on a mixed game thing--H.O.R.S.E. or maybe even S.H.O.E. I have to get a good blind structure for those if we go that route. Otherwise, it will be your straight hold 'em game.

All depends on how many players I can drum up, and their preferences.

Hope you guys like the new configuration for the blog. This being an election year, I wanted to place the PPA banner in a place of prominence, to remind everyone that poker is a game of skill, not a lotto ticket. Poker is NOT the "bad thing" that breaks down the moral fiber of our country. We, as voters, need to remember these things as we head to the polls this November. I'm not telling you who to vote for, just telling you to vote. I have an idea of how I will cast my ballot, but I reserve the right to keep that private.

Hope all of you have a great week, and weekend, and I look forward to seeing you soon.


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