Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 1 of the Main Event

is over. All four of the Day 1's, in fact.

I gotta tell ya, the 10K tourney has long been considered the grand-daddy of them all, but with back-to-back hacks winning the thing (Jamie Gold and Jerry Yang), that title has lost all of its luster. Chris Moneymaker winning it brought on the explosion. Greg Raymer's win, followed by Joe Hachem's were nice because these were (and are) 2 classy guys that were wonderful ambassadors for the game.

Gold wins it in 2006, largest prize pool in the tourney history, and then he has the ugly litigation hang over him and the bracelet. Plus, his numerous rules violations--not cheating, but violations--were just too much for me.

Yang gets to me with all the praying at the table. Look, God doesn't have the time to make sure your pocket aces hold up. He's got other issues to deal with, so leave the Bible away from the felt. He wasn't a likable character, in spite of his on-camera statement of how he wanted to give a portion of his winnings to charity. I am sure he's made good on that promise, but still, he's not my brand of vodka.

I so desperately want a recognized professional to win this title, and hopefully restore the juice that poker seems to lack these days. I don't lack that fire--I love play pokah...pokah's nice. The buzz is wearing off the game--those that called poker a fad may have been right. Granted, the number of people playing poker now is likely higher than it was before 2003, but the number is also likely to be down from what it was in 2005.

I lay some of the blame on the UIGEA--that bastard of a rider that got attached to the Safe Ports Act a couple years ago, effectively shutting the US players out of online poker (although ways have been discovered to get around this stupid law). Fewer people able to play on their computers, means they are doing other things--Halo 3, Wii Fit, you name it. I'm still slashing it out online, but not for money. Talk about pain.

Anyway, I hope that the Main Event champ is someone that is nearly a household name--a guy/gal that when someone not closely connected to poker hears that name, they say..."why do I know that name?" If poker gets that kind of champ (or even a more recognized player), there will be hope to keep the game rolling forward, continuing to foster interest in it, and bring new players in.

Heaven help us if Yang is a repeat champ.

T-minus 6 days and counting for my arrival into Las Vegas. Head out of town Saturday, hit Vegas Sunday. I can not wait. What does that mean, by the way? "I can't wait", but you HAVE TO wait, since the travel comes in 6 days. I digress. The trip will be awesome, and I am looking forward to getting out there. Good group of folks from the league, plus spouses (Mrs. Chipstack is gonna play too!). Oh, and I hear they have alcohol out there, as well.

Managed a 5-handed game Sunday night, and finished 2nd in game 1, 3rd in game 2--it went quickly with just 5 players. I was informed of a tell that I have when short-stacked, something I will have to work on for the upcoming July league event--hopefully, I won't have to go all-in, but if I do, I'll be mindful of how I do it. Like how I am dodging what the tell is? Hee-hee....hopefully, that info will be kept between me, and the informers.

A good time was had by all, and now it's for me to focus on Vegas. I had a sick week (as in good) last year. Another one of those would certainly do wonders for my confidence, after a 13th place finish in the June league tourney.

Good luck & good cards,

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