Now, I understand the holidays are upon us, and some of the folks that said they couldn't play are going out of town. I get it. I guess I am bit confused by the lack of responses from some folks that will be around. We're not talking about Christmas EVE or Christmas Day....we're talking the 23rd, and a 3pm start at that. Oh well, I suppose I am more of a degenerate poker player that most.
Vegas planning is in the very early stages (as mentioned in earlier blog post). Mrs

That will mean, however, that I will be tourney crazy in Vegas this summer, and I might even try some other local casinos with higher buy-ins. Still talking about it, but with the league members that are talking about going, we will have a terrific time once again, no matter where we play. Some folks are thinking about renting a condo for the week, which sounds like a ton of fun. If I were a single guy, I might be in line with it. For Mrs. Chipstack and I, this is our 1 week where there are no kids, no phones, no nothing. I think you get the idea.
Anyway, it is getting late, so a quick poker recap for you:
Since winning the December league event (my 2nd of the season--WEEEEEEE!!!), I have played at Irish Jim's once, and played so poorly I almost vomited. No hand recollections--it was long ago, and frankly, I don't wish to remember any of it.
This past Sunday, I ventured to Randy's for a 6 handed game, and finished 2nd. I probably deserved to finish worse, but I'll take the breaks when I can get them. Spiked a 2 outer to make a better full house and stay alive, went all-in on a Q-10 suited, and made a straight flush to stay was that kind of night. Here's the last hand:
I'm BB heads up, blinds 600-1200, I have QJ suited. Button calls, I raise 2400 more, button calls.
Flop- A-A-K.
I shove for something like 5000 total (may have been more). Button calls, and shows K-6 offsuit.
I'm not dead, but I am drawing thin--4 outs to make the straight, or running Q's or running J's to make a boat. 2 bricks, and the game is over.
Hard to be too broken up over losing that one. Here's why.
1-Button made the call of the 2400 pre-flop raise (in my opinion). for a couple reasons. A) they didn't believe I had a strong hand and/or B) they could afford to make the call. K-6 heads up is often times a favorite over any 2 random cards (or so I have read), so the call could be viewed as loose, but still, given the situation, it was, in my mind, the right play.
2-My shove after the flop. Donkey play on my part. I raise pre-flop to represent an A. Why shove there? I have no idea, but then again, the button hitting the K gives them top 2 pair--a bet was coming (I think) if I do nothing but check, and then I have to play (most likely) for all my chips anyway. Could I muck there, if I face a bet? Sure, but with the blinds at 600-1200, I have 5K left. I'm gonna be shoving with any 2 cards after that, and would need an additional double up.
Add it all up, and I was going broke that hand, and there was nothing I could do about it, with the exception of shoving pre-flop. Maybe the button folds. Maybe not. The way it played out, I deserved 2nd place, so again, no reason to kick myself too much.
OK--if you are a league member, and you made it this far: PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE FOR SUNDAY AT THE LEAGUE SITE!!!! If you already have, thanks and I will see you Sunday. If you have not....please let me know, one way or the other. Would love to have all of you for some Christmas Cards....get it???
Interesting hand to wrap up the 6 handed event. Not sure the flop push is that big of a donk move. It was pretty much the only option you had because of committing so much of your stack PF.
If you have roughly 8200 K preflop, any "standard" preflop raise you make is committing all your chips to the pot. With only 5k behind, any call from your opponent makes the pot bigger than your stack. You simply don't have enough chips to play the hand post-flop. Even if you push on the flop, your opponent is getting around 2.5:1 to take you out. Not a lot of fold equity there for a bluff.
Not sure what the relative stack sizes were at that point, which is pretty important. I'd assume that your opponent has you by at least 3:1 and possibly as much as 5:1.
You have a solid hand heads up with the QJs and if you are going to play it at all, you probably only have one option because of the stack sizes, get it all in PF.
Just my .02.
Yep--the shove was too late. I move in preflop, I have a chance to take the blinds.
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